

Houston Time

pictures from my album

The beach in Gabon

The beach in Gabon

Black Sabbath Live(OzzFest 2005) - Iron Man



Sonia in Gabon

Sonia in Gabon

Landry and Francis

Landry and Francis




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dimanche 18 novembre 2007

dimanche 25 mars 2007

Bwity part 2

There are no human voices in the spiritual world, that is why the person to be initiated is guided there by instrumental music. On the long way back to this life, however, he is welcomed by songs located between spiritual and earthly communication. The lyrics are only understandable to initiated people and use a lot of symbols - often they reinterpret opposite poles as circular processes - and frequently use a foreign language (Mabongo, for example, the language of the Pygmies from between Sindara and Mimongo). Thus, the content is transmitted partly "spiritually" and serves to hold the balance between this world and the spiritual one.

Music of bwity

Title here!

samedi 24 mars 2007


There are a lot of studies about Ibogaine, the extract from the Iboga root, because American scientists have explored its possible use in drug therapy (heroin, cocaine, alcohol). Preclinical studies show that a single dose of Ibogaine may have spectacular results: Without any withdrawal some addicts "forget" their addiction. Others have profound experiences after consumption of Ibogaine (e.g.: see themselves in a grave during the vision) so that they decide to give up drugs. The effect usually lasts for a few weeks or even months but unfortunately a lot of people take drugs again after this time. Pharmacological studies with mammals came to the same result: Animals which were given drugs regularly were less interested in them after consumption of Ibogaine. The fact that Ibogaine has been classified as illegal in the US (and in most European countries) is the reason why clinical examinations have not been possible so far. Ibogaine is an illegal drug in most countries, and there are doubts about clinical studies, as it is known that several people died after the consumption of Ibogaine for reasons unknown.

vendredi 16 mars 2007

LIBREVILLE, 16 mars (Infosplusgabon)- La Compagnie minière de l’Ogooué (COMILOG), a pour ambition de consacrer plus de 5% de sa masse salariale à la formation tout en entretenant une politique sociale dynamique.
Le groupe gabonais qui développe ses activités à toutes les étapes de la filière manganèse, a annoncé vendredi à Libreville qu’elle entendait imprimer son engagement dans l’économie gabonaise.
Présente vendredi à l’occasion de la troisième édition des « Journées portes ouvertes » de la Direction générale des (...).http://www.infosplusgabon.com/

Houston Rockets

The Houston Rockets have been up and down since the All-Star break. But with the playoffs on the honizon, the team is hoping to get in a groove in time for the postseason.http://www.nba.com/

Tell me what you think

Let me hear from you!

You are free to talk about anything you want.

Nathalie et Landry

Nathalie et Landry

Vickoss "Bovenga"

Patience Dabany

Hosted by eSnips

Vyckos Ekondo TANDIMA concert de la jeunesse Libreville


Akon in Gabon

The Iboga ceremony

The Iboga ceremony

Akon in Gabon

The Iboga ceremony

The Iboga ceremony

Iboga shrub

Iboga shrub


“It takes a long time to become young.” Pablo Picasso

“It takes a long time to become young.” Pablo Picasso



Mba Abessole

Mba  Abessole



The beach

The beach





The beach

The beach

Flag of Gabon

Flag of Gabon





Pour moi quoi…Makaya

Coat of arms of Gabon

Coat of arms of Gabon